I don't usually post the same entry here and at the LDS Humor Blog, but I found these "genealogy funnies" so enjoyable that I didn't want any of you missing them. The bits and pieces of family history correspondence below just prove that those many individuals researching their ancestors are more humorous than most of us believe. Even though the humor is unintentional.
And to think the skeptics thought searching one's family history would be a dead hobby. (Tee hee! Did you get that pun? Okay ... so I did make it up myself. That makes it all the better, right?)
Funny Correspondence Allegedly Sent to the Family History (Genealogy) Department, Salt Lake City, Utah
1. Our 2nd great-grandfather was found dead crossing the plains in the library.
2. He and his daughter are listed as not being born.
3. I would like to find out if I have any living relatives or dead relatives or ancestors in my family.
4. Will you send me a list of all the Dripps in your library?
5. My Grandfather died at the age of 3.
6. We are sending you 5 children in a separate envelope.
7. Documentation: Family Bible in possession of Aunt Merle until the tornado hit Topeka, Kansas. Now only the Good Lord knows where it is.
8. The wife of #22 could not be found. Somebody suggested that she might have been stillborn--what do you think?
9. I am mailing you my aunt and uncle and 3 of their children.
10. Enclosed please find my Grandmother. I have worked on her for 30 years without success. Now see what you can do!
11. I have a hard time finding myself in London. If I were there I was very small and cannot be found.
12. This family had 7 nephews that I am unable to find. If you know who they are, please add them to the list.
13. We lost our Grandmother, will you please send us a copy?
14. Will you please send me the name of my first wife? I have forgotten her name.
15. A 14-year-old boy wrote: "I do not want you to do my research for me. Will you please send me all of the material on the Welch line, in the U.S., England and Scotland countries? I will do the research."
16. I would like to know how many descendants I really have?
Did you enjoy those? Which did you find to be the funniest? Drop off a comment and let me know—my favorite was #16!
------Genealogy funnies received in an email from one of our Mormon Mishaps and Mischief contributors, C. LaRene Hall. Original author unknown, blog post © C.L. (Cindy) Beck.------
Growing up in tornado alley, I certainly can relate to #7.
Oh the things people say. I thought 10 was funny. I can always depend on you to make me laugh on my sluggish Mondays Cindy. lol lol
I love reading these types of things.
Carol L.
Oh, Cindy! These are all really great! I think the kind of genealogy research style I'd like to do right now is that of the 14 year-old boy.
I'm also amazed of the capabilities of the Grandpa who died at age 3!
Thanks for making my Mondays better, especially when certain Becks are away!
Rosa Griffin
I hear laughter from beyond on this one! Very funny!
"My Grandfather died at age three" really jumped out at me. I've never known anyone to have children at such a young age. Ha!
Love the wonderful picture of your ancestors! I have a blog award for you on my blog today. :0)
Funny, I was just thinking about family history yesterday and how I needed to write mine.
Great minds you know.
I guess you've seen the one about being your own grandpa.
You know with time travel being your own ancestor is a possibility.
Wellll, I liked #14, but now that I live in Tornado Alley, I guess #7 is the funniest to me, personally! :)
I liked #15, but they were all great!
BTW, thanks for the Flip video cam suggestion... I'd actually been thinking of getting a Flip several months ago, and did some research on it. Now I can't remember what I found out, but I'm thinking that perhaps there are some compatibility issues with Mac computers? Or not. I can't remember, so I guess I'll have to research it AGAIN. Derrrr.
Thank you for a good laugh, to keep my day going. I've enjoyed my journey through your blog. Thank you for letting me visit.
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