
Happy July 4 Holiday ... The Greatest Play in Baseball

Stories and Humor to Make You Laugh by C.L. (Cindy) Beck
Tags: July 4, holiday, baseball

Although this doesn't contain humor, it's a great video full of patriotism for you to enjoy this July 4 holiday. Have a safe, wonderful celebration!

If you have a second, drop off a comment. What do you think about Rick Monday's actions?


Canda said...

Very cool. I haven't seen this before. Thanks!

Slamdunk said...

Thanks Cindy that is a good one--I remember seeing that.

Nice snatch Rick.

From my perspective, I respect the rights of others to burn their own flags on their own property, but none of the other members of my family would agree with me.

Happy 4th.

Toyin O. said...

Great video, thanks for sharing.

Sylvia Ney said...

Good for him! New follower here. I look forward to visiting again.

Connie said...

Hooray for Rick Monday! I don't understand why those guys though they could get away with burning our nation's flag at a baseball game! Wrong!