
Stay Calm

Although this video isn't necessarily humorous, I think you'll find it quite interesting ... or maybe even amazing. It involves a 911 call with a little girl. Hope you enjoy it.

Wasn't that something?

If you get a minute, drop off a comment and tell me which part touched you the most. I loved the way she kept comforting her dad.


Anonymous said...

"So far so good!" How amazing, adorable is that!!
I wish I could be that collected in an emergency! And even have presence of mind to care about being dress properly for the paramedics. They are usually so good looking!
When my daughter broke her arm last month and I had to take her to the ER and she had to have surgery I didn't pay much attention to the fact that I was not wearing any make up! However, I did stay remarkably calm.

Loretta said...

We're never dressed right for emergencys! But OK so Far!

Shanda said...

What a smart, adorable, loving little girl!

Thanks for sharing. :)

Shanda :)

Randall said...


Once again a great post! Thanks for sharing.

I hope my kids can stay calm like that!


Carol L. said...

An amazing little girl. Trying to calm her Dad was the most touching to me and worried about what she had on. :) Thanks Cindy, an amazing video.
Carol L